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Penisula 2024

Peninsula- Church of the Risen Christ Freshwater

October 12th 2024

Theme: God Loves All Sorts-Even Me

About 51 people attended the Peninsula Ultreya including some non cursillistas and a couple from a different denomination. People gathered for byo lunch in the outdoor undercover area. 

Shelly Coulsen was the witness speaker and she attended MW82 Cursillo weekend in Glennie School Toowoomba. In her childhood she was told 3 things. Housework is more important than Church, Housework is more important than reading and you'll never be worth anything. Despite these she always fell called to church and later on even did the bible readings. Thanks Shelley for your amazing witness.  After the Ultreya an afternoon tea and fellowship was enjoyed.


Moreton 2024

Moreton - St Gabriel's Carindale

August 24th 2024

Theme: Refresh

About 42 people attended the Moreton Ultreya including some non cursillistas. People gathered for byo lunch in the undercroft and many friendships were renewed or formed. Di Catto was commissioned as Pre Cursillo Registrar by Reverend Pauline Harley and she told us a little about herself having previously been DLD in Townsville Diocese.

Janette Riley was the witness speaker and she recounted her journey with God. She attended Cursillo weekend in Armidale Diocese and she was enlivened by the spirit in her fourth day. Daily prayer, regular bible study and acts of service for the church followed. She was particularly interested in different forms of prayer, including prayer chains and the prayer loom, which is hanging in St Gabriel's church. Thanks Janette. The music was lead by Bryan & Linda from the Emmaus community and the singing uplifted everyone who attended. After the Ultreya an afternoon tea and fellowship was enjoyed.


Bundaberg 2024

Bundaberg West - Church of the Good Shepperd

April 29th 2023

Theme: Let your light shine

42 people attended the Bundaberg Ultreya including some non cursillistas . People gathered for byo lunch in the hall and by the sound of the chatter, many friendships were renewed of formed.

'Bundy' Bob Burrows was the witness speaker and he recounted his journey with God. He was baptised in Canberra and regularly attend church as a child. Bob was emotional when he remembered having polio as a child but this didn't prevent him doing anything including Altar boy, school captain and cricket. He drifted away from the church but when he moved to Miles, the vicar was in his cricket team and his captain said something derogatory during a game. The vicar then responded "The Lord is not playing today". This comment brought Bob back to God. Thanks Bob. After the Ultreya an afternoon tea and fellowship was enjoyed.


DIocesan 2023

Diocesan - St Matthews Sherwood

October 14th 2023

Theme: The Voice

65 people attended in person and a couple on ZOOM. Gerald Shannon conducted a tour of the stained glass windows in the church before the parsih provided sausage sizzle and lunch

The witness speaker, Ian Carr M33 Mercy Centre, told us the times in his life when he heard "The Voice" including church planting, Olde English Fairs and SAILS at Bayside. His Cursillo experience was as close to experiencing heaven on earth. Thanks Ian for your inspiring witness.

At the end of the Ultreya, the Decommissioned members, 3 Secretariat and 1 Servant community, were celebrated with song. Afternoon tea and fellowship afterwards was enjoyed by all.


Peninsula 2023

Peninsula - Church of the Risen Christ

October 14th 2023

Theme: We are the body of Christ

25 people attended in person and 9 on ZOOM. People gathered with their picture to attached to the cross. We had a byo lunch before moving into the Church for the Ultreya

The witness speaker Maureen Turner W32 Newcastle told us the journey of her faith including finding God in boarding school but finding Jesus beside the Murumbidgee River. Her priest said to her there that if she were the only person on earth, Jesus would have still come and died for her. This impacted her deeply. Her Cursillo weekend was an uplifting experience that lead her to becoming an LA and being more involved in her church.

During one song everyone was invited to come forward to have their hands annointed for service. Afternoon tea and fellowship afterwards was enjoyed by all


Toowoomba West 2023

Toowoomba West - St Augustine's

June 10th 2023

Theme: God is Everywhere

36 people attended in person and 16 on ZOOM. People gathered for byo lunch in the hall before moving into the Church  for the Ultreya

Barbara Skillington was the witness speaker and she told us how earliest remembrance of her faith would be going to church with her elder sister 
as a Brownie and church parades. She told us of how she moved around for work and got involved with Guiding, GFS, Mother's Union and the church wherever she was. Barbara related that there are no outstanding moments in her life but she knows that God has been with her when times got difficult. No matter where she have been, there God has been.


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Bundaberg West 2023

Bundaberg West - Church of the Good Shepperd

April 29th 2023

Theme: Rejoice

62 people attended the Bundaberg West Ultreya including 2 non cursillistas . People gathered for byo lunch in the hall and by the sound of the chatter, many friendships were renewed of formed.

Christine O'Brien was the witness speaker and she told us how her  Cursillo experience deepened her faith and helped her in her service in the church and religious instruction. Greg Blundell gave a reflection on Philippians 4:4-9 reminding us that we can rejoice in the Lord always, even when going through tough times. If we start to worry about something, then this leads us to prayer. All who attended were truly inspired by his talk. Thanks Christine and Greg. After the Ultreya an afternoon tea and fellowship was enjoyed.



Diocesan - St Matthew's Sherwood

November 19th 2022

Theme: Called Out of the Boat

About 71 people attended in person and about 10 Zoomed in Online to the DIocesan Ultreya. Sherwood Parish provided a tour of their stained glass windows and put on a lovely Sausage Sizzle for those in attendance.

Wayne Elliot was the witness speaker. Wayne's Cursillo experience and faith helped him face a cancer diagnosis. All who attended were truly inspired by his talk and Bishop Cam's Spiritual Response. Thanks Wayne. After the Ultreya an afternoon tea and fellowship was enjoyed.


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October 8th 2022

Theme: Stop, Listen and Follow Him

About 36 people attended in person to the Peninsula Ultreya hosted at teh Church of the Risen Christ Deception Bay in the Freshwater Parish. Before the Ultreya lunch and fellowship was enjoyed.

The witness speaker, Gayle Carroll told her story about how she was teased a child and lost her mother at 19. She drifted away from the church after her divorce but when she met Allan, her faith was revived. All who attended were inspired by her talk. Thanks Gayle. After the Ultreya we chatted over a magnificient Afternoon Tea.




July 30th 2022

Theme: Companions on a Jurney

Nearly 50 people attended in person to the Maroochydore Ultreya hosted at St Peters Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast. Before the Ultreya lunch and fellowship was enjoyed.

The witness speaker, Kay Macklin told her story about how she had a life threatening illness but saved by God. She had to move residence  times in the past 2 years and was suprted by fellow cursillistas through her rehab, putting her trust in God. We also got to here her drumming "We Will, We WIll Praise You" All who attended were truly inspired by her talk. Thanks Kay. After the Ultreya we chatted over a magnificient Afternoon Tea.




July 2nd 2022

Theme: Beauty in Brokenness

About 30 people attended in person to the Bayside Ultreya hosted at All Saints Redland Bay by the parishes of East Redlands, Waterloo Bay, Manly & Wynnum. Before the Ultreya morning tea and fellowship was enjoyed.

The witness speaker, Alison Condon told her story about how she was saved by God during a life threatening illness.  All who attended were truly inspired by her talk. Reverend Shan's Spiritual Response told us how we can find God in the Brokenness of our lives. Thanks Alison. After the Ultreya we chatted over byo lunch



Diocesan - St Bart's Mt Gravatt

November 20th 2021

Theme: Curiosity and Transformation

About 60 people attended in person and about 18 Zoomed in Online to the DIocesan Ultreya. 

Loretta Tyler-Moss was the witness speaker. Loretta's Cursillo experience was transforming for her. She realised she was not alone. In her fourth day she inspired to move from teaching to a State School Chaplain. A spirit of curiousity was birthed in her about what is God doing, now here with her. All who attended were truly inspired by her talk and Bishop Cam's Spiritual Response. Thanks Loretta. After the Ultreya an afternoon tea and fellowship was enjoyed.


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St Augustine's Toowoomba West

June 11th 2022

Theme: Many Gifts One Spirit

About 35 people attended in person and about 10 Zoomed in Online to the Toowoomba West Ultreya. 

Karen Audrey was the witness speaker. All who attended were truly inspired by her talk and Reverend Pauline's Spiritual Response. Thanks Karen. After the Ultreya an afternoon tea and fellowship was enjoyed.




October 9th 2021

Theme: From Little Things big things Grow

About 48 people attended in person and about 18 Zoomed in Online to the Peninsula Ultreya. 

Ian Fraser was the witness speaker. He recounted his life growing up with one presbytirian parent one Methodist parent. In his teenage years he drifted away from the church. When he came back, Cursillo planted the seed in him that grew him into the Christian he is today. All who attended were truly inspired by his talk and  Bishop Bill Ray's Spiritual Response. Thanks Ian. After the Ultreya an afternoon tea and fellowship was enjoyed.


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Toowoomba West

June 12th 2021

Theme: Love is in the Air

About 50 people attended in person and about 18 including 1 from Thailand) Zoomed in Online to the Toowoomba West Ultreya. 

Pat Drury was the witness speaker. She recounted her life of service to God through the church and recently had to face cancer in her life but the love of God has sustained and encouraged her through it. All who attended were truly inspired by her talk and  Rev Val Hoare's Spiritual Response. Thanks Pat. After the Ultreya an afternoon tea was enjoyed on the Hall.




March 6th 2021

Theme: Plugged in

41 people attended in person and about 18 including 1 from Thailand) zoomed in Online to the Warwick Ultreya. 

Sue Cruickshank was the witness speaker. She attended Women's 79 Cursillo weekend at Brookfield in 2019 an recounted what a wonderful experience of God's love it was for her. She has had to face many challenges in her life but the steadfast love of God has sustained and encouraged her through it all. A truly inspirational witness talk. Thanks Sue. After the Ultreya an afternoon tea was enjoyed on the verandah of the old rectory.


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November 21st 2020

Theme: ONwards and UPwards

54 people attended in person and about 50 from all over Australia (and 1 from Thailand) zoomed in Online to our our Diocesan Ultreya. The parish of Freshwater at Deception Bay hosted this Ultreya with our second attempt at in person and Zoom together. There was lots of joy & singing before our Witness Speakers, Gay & Rob Clark regaled us with tales from their epic overseas trip to get home at the start of COVID. Ports and borders were closing all around them and uncertainty and anxiousness abounded. Throughout it all God peace gave them calm assurance that all will be ok while others were getting worried. Thanks for your inspirational story. Bishop Cameran response encoraged us all to not just focus on the 3 day weekend but on our fourth day and our continuing walk with God. Retiring Secretariot and Servant Community members were decommissioned and new menbers commissioned. Also the M80 and W80 Lay directors were commissioned, Max McLelland and Merilyn Greensill both from Hervey Bay parish.



Kangaroo Point

August 29th 2020

Theme: Give Thanks

About 30 Cursilstas attended in person and about 50 from all over Australia zoomed in to our our 4th Online Ultreya. The parish of Kangaroo Point hosted this Ultreya with our first attempt at in person and zoom together and it all came together wonderfully. There was lots of joy & singing before our Witness Speaker, Maria Dunn told us of her journey tthrough a dark plaae and her return to the church arriving back like the prodigal son. Thanks for your inspirational talk Maria. Some comments. "Thank you for a wonderful uplifting experience. Loved the songs.". "Thank you to all who brought this Ultreya to us through Zoom. ",

"It was a wonderful Ultreya.
St Mary's was beautifully presented and the sound was really good"

"What a wonderful event. Congratulations, we all enjoyed sharing the love of our Lord.
Many thanks to Maria for sharing her inspiring story. So glad her life is happy again."


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July 18th 2020


Theme: Everything Is Holy

About 100 Cursilstas from all over Australia atteded our third Online Ultreya and was declared a great success!. The parish of Waterloo Bay hosted this Ultreya on behalf of the other bayside parishes of East Redlands, Manly and Wynnum and it all came together wonderfully on Zoom. There was lots of joy & singing before our Witness Speaker, Jim Cosgrove told us of his journey to the priesthood in the Catholic church as a 17 year old. He related how he wasn't really mature enough at that time. He did his cursillo in the Catholic church. Later in life, he became an Anglican Army Chaplain. Thanks for your inspirational talk Jim. Some comments. "Thank you for a wonderful uplifting experience. Loved the recorded songs.". "Thank you to all who brought this Ultreya to us through Zoom.  Lovely to see my Cursillo friends.",

"Thank you for a wonderful spiritual time. Congratulations to everyone!"

"It was great to sing , see you all and thanks for everything. See you next time. I really appreciated the talk and response."


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Toowoomba Far West

June 13th 2020


Theme: Let All You Do, Be Done in Love

Over 100 Cursilstas from all over Australia and even 1 from Thailand atteded our second Online Ultreya and ws declared a great success!. The parish of Toowoomba West hosted this Ultreya and it all came together wonderfully on Zoom . Bishop Cam led the way with a “Welcome” message to all participants.
Next there was lots of joy & singing before our Witness Speaker, Tracey Gummow from the Far West MWAMA based in Mitchell. Tracey gave a very powerful message to all of us on love and how her life had been affected by the lack of love and abundance of unconditional love, especially the love of our Lord.


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North West Brisbane

May 23th 2020


Theme: Come as You Are

Over 100 Cursilstas from all over Australia and even 1 from Thailand atteded our first ever Online Ultreya. The parishes of Ashgrove, The Gap, Samford and Grovely spent months planning this Ultreya but due to COVID-19, it looked like they were going to have to postpone it. Until DLD Alan Gray said to them, "Why don't you hold it online". After a lot of hard work and a bit of stress it all came together wonderfully on Zoom. We all sang along with the live musicians in the comfort of our own homes. Witness Speaker Marion Ireland recounted her remarkable life and how God has blessed her along the way. Her Cursillo experience came along at just the right time for her. Thanks Marion for and inspirational talk and for the whole team for pulling this all together.


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March 14th 2020


Theme: Be a Light to the World

32 cursillistas gathered at St Mark’s Warwick for a BYO lunch followed by the Ultreya. Sharon Payton, our witness speaker, shared how she and her husband rely on the Lord. She has utilised her gifts in her Parish, by running a speaking course. Sharon and her husband also run a ministry called “Movie with a Message”. Making her Cursillo was one of her best life experiences. In her spiritual reflection, Reverend Lizzie Gaitskell spoke to us about being a light to all. 
Alan Gray, Diocesan Lay Director, shared with us the list of upcoming events, highlighting the Pilgrimage in May.
The songs chosen were to match the theme. Some of us could sing them, others had some difficulty. But we had fun.


Fraser Coast

February 8th 2020


Theme: The Word of God Stands Forever

78 people from all over the Diocese attended this Ultreya at St John's  Anglican Church at Hervey Bay The Witness Speaker Dianna Roper told us how The Word of God Changes, Sustains and Empowers us. She recalled a time when her husband was an army chaplain and an army couple's son had comitted suicide and she ministered to them. The Holy Spirit provided the comfort and strength for them through her. She encouraged us to take time away to listen to the Word of God. Take someone with you and let God do the work  Take the risk and God will provide. Thank You Dianna for sharing your inspiring story.



November 23rd 2019


Theme: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Over 60 people from all over the Diocese gathered at St Mark's  Anglican Church at Daisy Hill for the Diocesan Ultreya. The Witness Speaker Shawn Slade  told us he didn't see himself as fearfully and wonderfully made but that was how God see him. He shared his story about how he has opportunities share God's message in his job as a Truck Driver instructor. The story about how you taught a deaf woman to drive a crash gearbox 22 tonne truck was was inspiring. Thank You Shawn for sharing your story.



November 2nd 2019


Theme: Discipleship

Peninsula Cursillistas hosted over 40 people from all over the Diocese at The Church of the Risen Christ Anglican Church at Deception Bay. The Witness Speaker Trevor Andrew shared his story about how he was brought up in the church but turned away. When his mother was diagnosed as terminally ill he moved to Qld from Sydney to be by her side. He learned his parents had been praying for him all those years. He decided it was time to go back to church and found a wonderful welcome at Freshwater Parish. But he still had a fear of God. On his Cursillo weekend God spoke to him and told him not to be afraid. He has not looked back since and is involved in Men's ministry in his Fourth day Thank You Trevor for sharing your story.

Trevor Andrew


October 19th 2019


Theme: Giving & Receiving

Highfields Cursillistas hosted over 40 people from all over the Diocese at St Anne's Anglican Church. The Witness Speaker was Sally Turnbull who shared her story of her life and how she was always giving and ministering to others. Due to her recent illness she has been unable to continue this and now it was her receiving the gift of being ministered to. It was an inspiring talk of how God is in the midst of suffering to bring hope and comfort. Thank You Sally for sharing your story.

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July 6th 2019


Theme: Changes

Chinchilla Cursillistas hosted over 30 people from all over the Diocese at St Cecilia's Anglican Church. Witness Speaker was Angela Slack who shared her story of her life growing up in the church. It was an inspiring talk of how her grandmother would pray every day instilling the virtue of intercessory prayer in Angela. Thank You Angela for sharing your life story.



May 25th 2019


Theme: All Are Welcome

Logan Cursillistas hosted over 50 people from all over the Diocese at St Marks Anglican Church at Slacks Creek. What a great day it was. Witness Speaker was Jan Sarie who shared her story of "Welcome". It was an inspiring talk of how Jan felt loved within the Church especially after her husband had passed away. Thank You Jan for sharing your journey.

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Gold Coast North

April 27th 2019


Theme: The Joy of the Lord is my Strength

Gold Coast North Cursillistas made us
feel very welcome as they hosted around 40 people from all over the Diocese.

Witness Speaker was

Marilyn Pappas who gave an inspiring address about how her son struggled through a custody access battle for their grandson and she didn't see her grandson for 4 years but her faith held strong and access was granted fortnightly.

A great day  of joyful singing, praise and worship of our Lord was had by everyone who attended.



March 9th 2019


Theme: Come As You Are

Warwick Cursillistas made us
feel Welcome as they hosted around 40 Cursillistas from far

& wide

Witness Speaker was

Jen-Rose Holmes who gave an inspiring address about how her life changed after the loss of her husband in the early 2000's and the influence of Cursillo when she made her Cursillo in 2017

Rev'd Heather and Bp Cam gave beautiful reflections to Jen-Rose's Witness Talk


A great day was had by all  

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Frase Coast


9 February 2019.

Theme : Water

about 40 people enjoyed uplifting singing, inspiring talks and delicious afternoon tea at St Paul's Maryborough.

The church was decorated beautifully with blue and white balloons and water features.

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